

the Gas Man (el butaneeeero!!!)

 Lucas is the more popular Gas Man of the neighbourhood

He loves his job

He loves walking in the streets making strange sounds with his cilinders to attract people attention while shoutting: Butanooooo!!!!

Just now one woman has asked for one cilinder of gas and he begins his way up....

It's the sixth floor and there's no elevator in the building!!!

As much as he goes up, he stairs seem steeper and steeper

But he finally makes it! t
The door is open and he hears a woman's voice invinting him to got the kitchen

Finally you are here!!! she says
Why have it been taking you so long?!?

Come on! Change the gas Cilinder now!

I I have to finish the coocking of the rice or it will be ruined soon!

 Lucas suggest her to have a couple of spare gas cilinders in the balcony, so this will not happen again!

Once the new cilinder is set, Lucas takes a rest to recover from the climbing

The lady kindly offers him a glass of lemonade

While he finishes his drink, she says to that she loves his black hair while touching it...

Isn't it hot here?! ? 
she says while taking her housecoat out

But what are doing, ma'am?''
I beg you to put back your cloths inmediately!

Come on, don't be shy boy, and stay with me a little longer....
I know you want to stay, don't deny it!

I'm sorry, I have to leave now!
I  have still a lot of cilinders of gas to deliver!!!

Why are you leaving? I don't understand...
...this is not like the stories people explains about the butaneros!

  Lucas scapes quickly and gets to the door!

He runs down the stairs so fast that he almost drops his cilinder! 

When he's reaches the street he looks up to the lady's balcony and discovers that she had already 2 spare cilinders in her balcony!!!

Just then he hears a very familiar sound... it the sound of his truck engine!!!

Somebody is stealing his truck with all the cilinders of gas on it!!!!

Lucas runs and tries to reach his truck, but the thief is speeding like a fool and he looses it!

It's been a hard day for our Favorite Gas Man!
He's tired and confused and he wonders where must it be his truck by now...
If he read the newspapers or watch the news he would have the answer:
click here to know where is his truck gone...


  1. Me parto! Ese mito erótico de toda la vida,el butaneeeeerooooo... Lo que me he reído, me encanta tu blog. Saludos.

    1. Muchas gracias Ángeles, es q Lucas no solo está a la altura del mito, lo sobrepasa!!!!

  2. JAjajjajajajajajajjajajajajajajaja
    Me muero de risaaa, jajajaaj, ¡¡ Y Pobre Lucas!!
    Me encantaaaAAA, tan guapo, bueno, trabajador, servicial, siempre atento y sobre todo ¡¡Educado!!
    Lucas es el mejor!!! Aunque le caigan todas jajajaj¡¡Pobreee!!
    Las fotos, como siempre, impagables, son de concurso, de revista, de premio pulizzer,de Grammi de la fotografía,
    Son unas FOTAZAS!!
    Ya sólo la primera foto, de Lucas cargando la bombona de butano y el conductor del camión, esperándole, recostado en el camión con la botella de agua , JUASJUAS
    Es Brutal
    Esas escaleras, que parece Lucas el mismísimo Jesucristo cargando la cruz subiendo al monte calvario, jajaja esas fotos son FAntásticas
    la cocina de NAncy, es alucinante, de verdad que parece mentira que no sean tamaño humano... ni me lo creo, no le falta detalle
    Me ha enamorado todo, pero los cacharros del fregadero... Guauuu, esoso platos y cubiertos son lo más....

    1. muchas gracias Itzi... tu mostraste al mundo que , a pesar de todo lo que los desastres que ocasiona y desventuras que le pasan, Lucas es muy buen chico... Asi que esta historia no in tenta ser más que un desaroollo de este carácter!!! el via crucis que pasa lucas por estas escaleras es similar al que sufro yo cunado subo por ellas con la ciompra y la cocina de nancy es como la mia pero mucho más ordenada y limpia!!! saludos!!!!

  3. Que me he quedado a la mitad,
    La cara de Lucas huyendo despavorido es todo un poema... y ya ese camión, alejandose foto a foto... jasjasjasj
    Me he reído un montonnazo
    Un abrazo enorrrme

  4. What an awesome story. Gas man is adorable. Poor thing. He's had a real tough day.

    1. Thank you, Vanessa! Hopefully tomorrow will be a more quiet day for the Poor Gas Man!

  5. Hola Mireia,
    Al fin puedo ponerte un comentario. Me encantan todas tus entradas, son unas historias fantásticas, super curradas y de mucha actualidad. Empece a seguir tu blog a partir de las entradas que tienes de Clania, mi muñeca preferida.
    Felicidades por tu creatividad.

    1. Hola Clania, muchas gracias por tu comentario!!!
      Yo tambien conozco tu blog y tus entradas sobre clania, ahora me voy para alla! saludos!!!

  6. que maravilla de historia de butaneroooooooo!! Es ideal! Es como todo el mundo decia que entraban los butaneros en nuestras casas!Me parecen unas fotos fantasticas y me da pena que con el gas natural ya no tenemos butaneros!Besotes.

    1. Muchas gracias, Imanara! Pues en mi barrio muchos aún tenemos butano y se oye aún el grito de butaaano y el sonido metálico q hacen para llamar la atención! Solo q los butaneros reales no son tan entrañables como Lucas, aunque los que conocí al hacer las fotos eran muy majos!!!

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