

Christmas Spirit Virus

 Christmas is coming again!!!
Today it's very cold but Nancy can't wait to go to to the Santa Llucia fair to get ready for it!

If she wants to have some presents she has has to have a Tió Log!

 She also likes to buy some branches to decorate the house

 But mainly she has to buy the tree for her younger sisters, the Leslys!

 To carry this big tree is not easy, 
but Nancy would do anything to make her sisters happy!

 Once the Tree is at home, the Lesly start to decorate with her own personal style!

 To put the Gatchan Angel in the top, he Leslys have to climb the tree !

Yes!!! As you could foresee, this jugglery could not have a happy ending...
... but don't worry for the leslys, they will survive!

The one who has serious health problems now is Nancy...
Too much cold, activity and heavy emotions for one day!!!

Be careful! Nobody is safe from the Christmas Spirit Virus infection!


  1. Jájájá,me encantan tus entradas! Estas Leslys asalvajadas trepando al árbol, esa pobre Nancy pocha con todos sus remedios y, como no, escribiendo en el borde del plato con la sopa de letras... A mejorarse, seguro q con el frenadol está de juerga de nuevo en un pis pas. Besos.

    1. Gracias Ángeles! la pobre Nancy ha empezado el puente con muy buenas intenciones pero con bastante mala suerte. Pero ya verás como el lunes vuelve a estar sana para ir a trabajar!!!! un abrazo!!!

  2. ...Què risa las leslys por el suelo y la otra brazos en alto,momento còmico totaaal¡¡

    1. ajaajajajaj! es que estas leslys llevan loca a Nancy! cada día lian alguna distinta!!!

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